
One of the largest genomes belongs to a very small creature, Amoeba dubia. This protozoan genome has 670 billion units of DNA, or base pairs. The genome of a cousin, Amoeba proteus, has a mere 290 billion base pairs, making it 100 times larger than the human genome.

DNA ميتوكندريايي داراي خواصي است كه مي تواند در تشخيص هويت مخصوصا در مواردي كه DNA هسته اي به مقدار كافي وجود ندارد مفيد باشد. از جمله اين ويژگي ها مي توان به تعداد زياد نسخه ها در سلول، مقاومت بيشتر در برابر تخريب و كوتاه بودن طول ژنوم اشاره كرد.

Dr Ali Karami,Associate Professor of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the Baqyiatallah University of Medical Science, talks to Dr Shahriar Khateri, Co-founder of the Society for Iranian Chemical Weapons Victims Support
Molecular Biology of Borrelia burgdorferi

Borrelia may be unique among prokaryote in having a genome that is mainly linear DNA physical and genetic map of linear chromosome of B. burgdurferi has been published, it consist of 946 to 952 kb Linear DNA (Sherwood et al;1993, Davidson et al;1992, Barbour et al; 1982).